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Hi Priya

Welcome to your personal coaching studio. 
This is your space to start the revolution in you. 

Your Coaching Path



Your plan unlocks the Business Case for Your Talent™, a focused and comprehensive talent profile that describes how you create and drive value with and for others, identifying opportunities to further your career. Your online coaching studio will be active for 3 months, which gives you plenty of time to complete your coaching path.

To get started, watch our welcome video.


Your Key Resources


Your Team

Career Coach: 
Iyobosa "Bo" Irabor 


Discovery questionnaire (approx. 1 hr to complete)

​Your Assessments ​

Relational Strategy Assessment (10 mins to complete)

Submit your assessment results here

Ways of Working Assessment (10 mins to complete)

Myers Briggs Type (10 mins to complete)

How to Fascinate (10 mins to complete)

Coaching Path Snapshot









Your journey starts here. Listen to your welcome message above, explore your coaching journey, and complete your partnership agreement.

​Please complete this step 
within 1 week.

Your unique story matters. Share it with us, through your video questionnaire and assessments. Discovery helps us understand the experiences that power your career or entrepreneurial journey and ensure that our coaching insights are as unique as you are.

​Please complete this step within 1 week.​

We transform our discovery insights into the Business Case For Your Talent™. This personalized blueprint captures the depth of who you are and the unique perspective you bring. This isn't just a document; it's a powerful tool that transforms your lived experiences into professional advantages.

We'll notify you when it's ready.

​To be completed by Insightfully
within 5 weeks.

Now its time to transform insights into action! Schedule a 60-minute coaching session to explore your Business Case For Your Talent™ and learn strategies to bring its powerful insights to life in your career or entrepreneurial journey. 

​​Please complete this step 
within 6 weeks.


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